Revolutionary greetings to the leadership, members, and comrades of Koongamano la Mapinduzi (KLM),
On behalf of the Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya, we extend our heartfelt solidarity as you convene this historic Second National Convention. We join you in celebrating your commitment to the revolutionary cause, your bold identification with Mapinduzi (revolution), and your pivotal role in advancing the struggle for true independence and liberation in Kenya.
Advancing the National Democratic Revolution
The National Democratic Revolution (NDR) remains the clarion call of our generation, a historic mission to complete the unfulfilled aspirations of Kenya’s liberation. Dedan Kimathi and the Kenya Land Defence and Freedom Army ignited the first flames of this struggle, and it is upon us to carry that torch to its rightful conclusion. The NDR represents not just an economic and political transformation but the total dismantling of neo-colonialism and imperialism.
KLM has shown the way in mobilising the masses, turning the MUST GO slogan into a powerful, anti-capitalist movement. This slogan is more than a call for change; it is a declaration of the people’s will to uproot an exploitative system and establish a sovereign Kenya where the masses control their destiny.
The TUNAKATAA Charter: The Peoples’ Charter
The TUNAKATAA Charter stands as a unifying platform for achieving the NDR. It encapsulates the people’s rejection of neo-colonial exploitation and oppression. As CPM Kenya, we fully align with its revolutionary principles, which galvanise workers, peasants, students, and all oppressed classes in the fight for genuine liberation. Together, we reject imperialist control of our resources, foreign debt bondage, and the capitalist exploitation of labour. The charter is not merely a declaration but a roadmap for action.
KLM’s Revolutionary Model
We applaud KLM for its unique approach to building a revolutionary movement that harmonises individuals and organisations. This model exemplifies the unity of theory and practice, ensuring collective strength against capitalist and imperialist forces. By fostering a broad-based coalition of progressive forces, KLM has demonstrated the power of organised resistance in reshaping the political landscape of our country.
Unity in the Pan-African Socialist Alliance
As members of the Pan-African Socialist Alliance (PASA), CPM Kenya and KLM stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight against capitalism and imperialism. The PASA charter solidifies our shared commitment to reclaiming Africa’s economy, dismantling neo-colonial structures, and building a unified socialist Africa. Together, we declare that capitalism is irredeemable and must be destroyed to pave the way for a just and equitable society.
The unity of CPM Kenya and KLM within PASA exemplifies our collective determination to declare Kenya a sovereign republic free from exploitation and oppression. We reaffirm our shared mission to intensify political education, organise mass movements, and build sustainable economic alternatives to neoliberal plunder.
Call to Action
Comrades, the future belongs to the organised, and the revolution depends on your resolve. Let this convention be a rallying point for greater mobilisation, deeper solidarity, and intensified action. Together, CPM Kenya, KLM, and other progressive forces must deepen our collaboration to crush neo-colonialism “to atoms” and advance the NDR as a stepping stone to socialism.
As you deliberate and chart the way forward, know that CPM Kenya stands firmly with you. Let us strengthen our revolutionary partnership and inspire the masses to rise as agents of change in building a free, just, independent and socialist Kenya.
Amandla! Aluta Continua!
Issued in Revolutionary Solidarity,
Booker Omole
General Secretary
Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya