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By Booker Omole, General Secretary, Communist Party Marxist (CPM) Kenya

Paul Kagame and his minions continue to justify the existence of M23 by claiming that the Banyamulenge or Banyarwanda are Congolese and have the right to defend their land in Goma. While it may be true that there is a Tutsi minority in Congo, it is equally true that Rwanda’s Hutus, fleeing from Kagame’s killer squads, have sought refuge in Eastern Congo. Given this, why would Kagame support the Tutsi minority community in the DRC under the guise of tribal solidarity without engaging in dialogue with his counterpart, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, in Kinshasa? In the Kenyan context, why would the Kenyan government support the Luo minority, for example, in Uganda under the pretext of tribal solidarity? It is absolutely ridiculous!

Kagame’s lame argument is nothing more than a smokescreen for Rwanda’s imperialist-backed war of aggression against the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Some opportunists have even attempted to distort the words of Julius Nyerere and Nelson Mandela to rationalise this reactionary war. But let us set the record straight: this is not a conflict rooted in class struggle; it is a calculated campaign by Kagame and his imperialist backers to maintain Rwanda’s role as a proxy for the continued plunder of Congo’s resources.

The history of Rwanda’s involvement in Congo cannot be understood without recognising the nature of Paul Kagame’s regime. Rwanda is a country where the ruling class emerged from a brutal civil war and genocide in 1994. The genocide, instigated by the Rwandese political elite and fuelled by imperialist interests ended with Kagame’s Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) seizing power. From that moment, the Tutsi elite in Rwanda secured privileged positions in the state and military, while any opposition, particularly from the Hutu majority, was violently crushed.

Kagame’s security forces did not stop at Rwanda’s borders. Through agreements with Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta regime, Kagame’s assassins systematically eliminated Hutu politicians in Nairobi. Uganda, under Yoweri Museveni, became the only relatively safe haven for Rwandan opposition figures. But Kagame, who has killed opponents as far as Europe, has never hesitated to pursue those who challenge his rule.

When Kagame speaks of “security concerns” along Rwanda’s border with the DRC, he is referring to the Hutu refugees and political dissidents in Eastern Congo who are organising for his overthrow. To counter this threat, Kagame armed the Tutsi minority population in Eastern Congo, who had grievances with Kinshasa, to carry out his dirty work. Under his orders, M23 militias massacred Hutu refugees in camps, silencing Kagame’s opponents in the name of “Rwandan security.”

But Kagame’s ambitions go beyond crushing opposition. He saw an opportunity to use M23 as an armed force to protect the looting of Congolese resources by multinational corporations. Uganda had already established itself as a major player in the plunder of Congolese minerals, but Kagame wanted his share. He turned M23 into a mercenary force, securing mining areas, facilitating smuggling routes, and ensuring that Rwanda, despite having no coltan or tantalum deposits, became a major global exporter of these minerals. In Rwanda, the richest people are not industrialists or farmers but military generals who profit from the looting of Congo.


M23’s Agenda: Kagame’s Mafia State Expanding into Congo

Kagame now demands that Kinshasa negotiate with his mercenaries, effectively asking the DRC to surrender part of its sovereignty to his mafia regime. He wants M23 to govern Eastern Congo as his proxy, to continue the targeted killing of Hutu refugees, and to maintain the free flow of looted Congolese minerals into Rwanda.


This war is not about “protecting Tutsi in Congo.” It is about maintaining Rwanda’s parasitic economic model, which depends on three pillars:

1. Foreign aid, particularly from the US and European Union.

2. The plunder of Congo, facilitated by M23 militias and corrupt multinationals.

3. A ruthless dictatorship, where any opposition, whether political activists, artists, or journalists, is crushed.

Rwanda under Kagame is a police state where political prisoners outnumber those of any other African country. Figures like Kizito Mihigo, the singer who opposed Kagame’s regime, were murdered. Paul Rusesabagina, the hero of Hotel Rwanda, was kidnapped and imprisoned. Even mild dissent is met with jail or death. Kagame claims to have 97.7% electoral support, but this is a fraudulent dictatorship sustained by terror.

The tragedy of North and South Kivu, and the broader destabilization of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is unparalleled in human history. Tens of millions of Bantu Congolese have died, victims of the relentless predatory interests of NATO and their proxies in the region: Uganda, Rwanda, and the Kenyan puppet regime of William Ruto. 

We must always recognize that such devastating events cannot occur in isolation, nor without deep historical and material roots. The current NATO-backed proxy war is the latest phase of a long-standing effort to plunder Africa’s resources, with Rwanda and Uganda serving as the primary instruments of imperialist aggression in the Great Lakes region.

The role of Rwanda and Uganda in the destabilization of the DRC is rooted in a carefully constructed imperialist narrative that continues to serve the interests of NATO. It began with the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, orchestrated with the help of NATO forces. The propaganda surrounding the genocide, which falsely blamed the Hutu middle class and intelligentsia for the atrocities committed by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), created a pretext for military intervention under the so-called “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine. This false narrative has allowed Rwanda, under Kagame, to play the role of the victim while committing crimes against humanity and pursuing a strategic annexation of the DRC’s mineral-rich regions.

The Historical Roots of Rwanda and Uganda’s Role

In 1990, Uganda, under the leadership of Yoweri Museveni, invaded Rwanda. The Ugandan army, using Tutsi monarchists enlisted in its ranks, formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which would eventually seize power in Rwanda. This invasion marked the beginning of a long process of destabilization in the region. 

The RPF’s success was backed by US powers, which sought to replace the French-backed regime of Juvénal Habyarimana with a puppet government that would serve imperialist interests. When Habyarimana refused to cooperate with US plans to destabilize Congo, particularly its refusal to pursue Mobutu, the groundwork for the genocide and regional war was laid.

The assassination of Habyarimana in 1994, which marked the start of the genocide, was followed by a bloody campaign in which the RPF targeted not only Hutus but also moderate Tutsis. This genocide was covered up by NATO forces, including the United Nations, with Canadian General Romeo Dallaire overseeing the peacekeeping mission while NATO-backed troops facilitated the slaughter. Rwanda’s leaders, particularly Kagame, used the genocide as a smokescreen to further their territorial ambitions in Congo, claiming the need to defend against the remnants of the Hutu Forces Armées Rwandaises (FAR) as a pretext for launching military operations into the DRC.


Rwanda and Uganda’s Continued Aggression

In 1996, following the victory of the RPF in Rwanda, Rwanda and Uganda launched a full-scale invasion of the DRC under the guise of the “First Congo War,” overthrowing Mobutu and installing Laurent Kabila as a puppet president. This marked the beginning of an enduring pattern: Rwanda and Uganda have since used the pretext of fighting insurgent groups, particularly the FDLR (Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda), to justify their repeated incursions into the DRC.

These incursions have had catastrophic consequences for the Congolese people. Not only has the DRC been plunged into a never-ending cycle of war, but multinational corporations, particularly from Canada and the US, have continued to exploit Congo’s rich mineral resources, reaping the benefits of this instability. The systematic plundering of Congo’s resources has been facilitated by Rwanda’s and Uganda’s military forces, which have acted as proxies for imperialist interests. This exploitation continues today, with Rwanda’s support for the M23 rebel group serving as a key instrument of destabilization in North and South Kivu.


Kagame’s Relationship with Israel and the M23 Offensive

The role of Israel in the destabilization of Congo and the broader Great Lakes region demands critical scrutiny. In recent years, Kagame has strengthened his ties with Israel, a key ally of the US in the region. This relationship is especially troubling given Israel’s history of genocidal tactics against Palestinian populations and its ongoing alliance with Western imperialist powers.

After M23 captured significant territories in eastern Congo, Kagame reached out to Israel, signaling not only his strategic intentions but also the deepening military cooperation between Rwanda and Israel. Kagame’s justification for Rwanda’s actions in Congo mirrors the tactics Israel employs in Palestine: committing genocide, ethnically cleansing populations, and then portraying itself as the victim. Rwanda’s involvement with M23 is part of a broader strategy to ethnically cleanse the Bantu population of Kivu and replace them with Hima and Tutsi settlers, thereby expanding Rwanda’s territorial control.

Kagame’s actions did not go unnoticed. His exchange with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, following the M23 offensive in Goma, highlighted the growing tension between Rwanda and South Africa. Kagame’s response to Ramaphosa was defiant, exposing the rift between those who seek peace and justice in Africa and those like Kagame, complicit in imperialist plunder.

Kagame, aware of the existing tensions between Israel and South Africa, particularly in light of Ramaphosa’s successful legal challenge against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on charges of genocide and his condemnation of Netanyahu’s actions in Palestine, reached out to the Netanyahu administration amidst the crisis. His intent? To seek military assistance, knowing that M23 had already killed South African peacekeeping forces in Eastern Congo and that a potential military confrontation between South Africa and Rwanda loomed. Kagame may think he is clever, but his actions are transparent, and the oppressed nations can see through his lies.


Exposing the True Nature of Rwanda’s Role

It is imperative that we do not allow the ruling classes to hide behind the mask of tribalism, which serves as a tool of division and distraction. The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) regime has used tribalism to maintain control, silencing opposition, and obscuring the true nature of their genocidal actions. After the genocide, Kagame’s government sought to erase the distinctions between Hutus and Tutsis, declaring everyone a “Rwandan.” Yet, behind this facade, the RPF continues to discriminate against Hutus, particularly in the fields of education, housing, and access to basic needs. The government’s policy of repression and the continued persecution of Hutus is a direct consequence of their collaboration with NATO in the destruction of Rwanda and the ongoing destabilization of the Great Lakes region.

The most effective way to counter these imperialist-backed regimes and their collaborators is to expose the truth about their actions. We must dismantle the lies that have been constructed around the genocides in Rwanda and the DRC, and reveal the true nature of the imperialist exploitation and violence that continues to plague the region. We must also work to create a unified African resistance, rejecting the divisive tactics of tribalism and imperialism.


The Path Forward: Unity and Resistance

The task before us is clear. We must expose the role of Rwanda, Uganda, and their NATO backers in the ongoing plunder of Congo, and we must build a united front to defend Africa’s sovereignty. This includes supporting the Communist Party of the DRC in its struggle for a socialist future free from imperialist domination. We must also continue to advocate for the decolonization of the African mind, and for the unification of the continent under one flag, one military, and one revolutionary communist party.

In the face of imperialism’s machinations, we must stand resolute in our commitment to Pan-Africanism and socialism. The struggle for Congo’s sovereignty is the struggle for Africa’s liberation. Let us take inspiration from the legacy of Patrice Lumumba and build a future where Africa is free, united, and socialist.


Down with Imperialism!

Down with Kagame and Museveni’s Theft of Congo!

Long Live a Free and Sovereign Congo!

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